3 Key Learning Points
What are the '3 Key Learning Points'?
Each subject (except English and Maths) is split into 'units' that usually last half a term. During these units, pupils learn a wide range of knowledge and skills driven by carefully selected learning objectives. For example, in Geography, in Y6 in the spring term, pupils study a unit called 'Volcanoes' where they learn about: the location of volcanoes around the world; how volcanoes form; their structures; study some key volcanoes such as Mt St Helens; explain the dangers of volcanoes; and explore why people live near to volcanoes despite these dangers.
Whilst all of the knowledge and skills gained during each unit is important, subject leaders have identified which 3 key pieces of knowledge or key skills are the 'main takeaways' from each unit in order to:
- link with previous or future learning
- give our pupils a solid grounding of knowledge and skills for their next stage in their education
We call these our '3 Key Learning Points' or 'KLPs' for short.
Below are links to all of our KLP documents, which house the 3KLPs for each unit in each year group. For Reception, they have 3 subject KLPs that underpin the Y1-6 curriculum, as shown at the bottom of each document.