Autumn 2
English | Reading | Writing |
This half term, our main text is Beetle Boy by M.G Leonard.
We will also be exploring a poetry unit - The Listeners. | We will be writing in a range of genres this half term, including a warning story, and will be recapping the grammar and punctuation that the children have learnt up until now. |
Maths | This half term, we will have a focus on fractions after concluding our multiplication and division unit. In addition to this, we will regularly practise times tables. | |
Number – fractions | ||
We will be learning about square (2) and cube (3) numbers and the notation. In addition, we will learn about prime numbers and solve problems involving multiplication and division. The children will compare and order fractions whose denominators are all multiples of the same number. Also, they will identify, name and write equivalent fractions of a given fraction. |
Science | This half term, our unit of learning is Forces. The children will learn:
RE | Christianity Incarnation unit: Was Jesus the Messiah? The children will learn about the place of Incarnation and Messiah within the ‘big story’ of the Bible. They will discuss how Christians put their beliefs about Jesus’ Incarnation into practice in different ways in celebrating Christmas. In addition, they will discuss that Christians see Jesus as their Saviour. |
PE | Indoor – Gymnastics In this unit pupils develop balancing, rolling, jumping and inverted movements. They explore partner relationships such as canon and synchronisation and matching and mirroring. Pupils are given opportunities to receive and provide feedback in order to make improvements on their performances. In gymnastics as a whole, pupils develop performance skills considering the quality and control of their actions Outdoor – Invasion Games – Basketball Basketball is an invasion game. In this unit pupils develop their understanding of the attacking and defending principles of invasion games. In all games activities, pupils have to think about how they use skills, strategies and tactics to outwit the opposition. In basketball pupils do this by maintaining possession and moving the ball towards goal to score. Pupils develop their understanding of the importance of fair play and honesty while self-managing games and learning and abiding by key rules, as well as evaluating their own and others’ performances. |
Geography | This half term, our focus in Geography is Africa and Asia. We will:
Art | Drawing: this half term, the children will make and use a view finder to create interesting compositions. They will evaluate and improve their compositions. We will also use a view finder to focus on interesting details and textures and compile several studies. |
PSHE | Similarities and Differences is the theme for this half term. The children will talk about celebrating strengths, setting goals and keeping safe online. |
Music | This half term the children will be exploring the human lifecycle using music from a range of composers. They will explore a variety of musical moods, styles and genres while singing and performing with a range of musical instruments. |
Computing | This term Y5 will participate in the Bebra’s Challenge which is a competition with problems asking them to use their computational thinking skills. In programming, they will learn to use repetition when creating code for a game project. |
French | The unit of work is called ‘En Famille’. The children will look at and learn the vocabulary for members of their family. |