Hot School Meals
We offer a hot meal service every day. Children have a choice of a meat/fish main course or a vegetarian main course. Alternatively a jacket potato option is available each day. They also receive a pudding, fruit or yogurt and fresh water to drink. The menus are available online through the ‘Dorset Meal Selector’.
Orders and payments are made at least 2 weeks in advance of the Monday morning (orders must be made by 12pm on the Sunday 2 weeks before).
for example: for meals the week beginning 18th September 2023 meals need to be ordered by 12pm on Sunday 3rd September 2023.
If this cut-off point is missed for ordering meals parents need to provide a packed lunch until meals orders can be made again. Meal orders can be made for the whole term in advance - changes can be made up until the cut-off point each week.
The price of a meal is just £2.75 for children in KS2 who are not in receipt of Free School Meals (see information below). All children in reception, year 1 and year 2 are entitled to Universal Infant School Meals and do not have to pay but orders must be made through the same system.
A calm ‘cafeteria’ style atmosphere is encouraged in the hall which becomes a dining room (note currently only years reception - year 2 are eating in the hall and years 3 and above are eating in their classrooms). The children come in at staggered intervals and may sit where they wish, even with friends who bring packed lunch. Whilst we try to persuade children to eat their meal no one is forced to eat everything.
Pupils who do not order a hot meal will need to bring a healthy packed lunch. Sweets, nuts (including chocolate spreads) and fizzy drinks are not allowed in school
Please see letter below for Chartwells Meal Ordering Cut-off dates along with their cancellation procedures.
Free School Meals
Did you know ... just registering your child for Free School Meals means that the school gets extra money?
For every child registered our School gets £1,385 this year and you will receive extra benefits.
Register now to make sure you don't miss out! |
The Government gives money to schools to help children from lower income families. This funding is called ‘Pupil Premium’. For every child registered our School gets £1,385 this year.
With this money we could provide additional small group and one-to-one support so that more of the children who need it will reach their full potential in English, Mathematics and other subjects.
If you are eligible for Free School Meals you will also receive:
- £100 per school year toward the cost of school uniform (bought at the school shop or externally) and trips
- Subsidised musical instrument lessons (flute, guitar, piano and violin)
- Help with the cost of the Year 6 residential trip
Children in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 are all entitled to Universal Infant Free School Meals but would still need to apply for Free School Meals to receive the extra benefits.
- First, check if you qualify – it is not just if you are unemployed, so please look at the list below.
- Registering is really quick and easy – application forms can be picked up at the school office or you can apply online on the Bournemouth Council Website: Free School Meals On-line Applications
- If you want your child to have a free, healthy meal at lunchtime, that’s great – they will have a free meal (saving you more than £400 a year) as well as extra benefits.
- If you don’t want your child to have the school meals they will still be able to get the extra benefits as long as you are eligible for free school meals.
No one will know you have registered and it will not affect any other benefits you are claiming.
Register today to make sure your child and others in their class don’t miss out.
You will only be eligible if you are receiving a qualifying benefit. Please use the table below to establish whether you are eligible for Free School Meals before you apply:
Do you receive: |
| You may be eligible for Free School Meals |
| You will not be eligible for Free School Meals |
Children who get paid these benefits directly, instead of through a parent or carer, can also get free school meals.
Children under the compulsory school age who are in full time, state-maintained nursery education (nurseries that are based at a Primary School) may also be able to get free school meals.
For more information and to apply online click here: Application for Free School Meals