Spring 1
English | Reading: We will be reading two different texts this half term. We will be studying Alvaro Villa’s picture book ‘Flood’ and ‘Poems Aloud’ by Joseph Coehelo. As we study these texts, the children will be practising their ability to retrieve key information from texts, use evidence to draw inferences about characters and use evidence to support their responses to questions. When studying poetry, the children will prepare poems to read aloud and perform . They will also learn to recognise different forms of poetry.
Writing: We will continue to use the Talk 4 Writing approach to help us write in a range of genres, including warning story and a non-fiction piece. We will focus on using different toolkits to innovate our own class version before independently writing the ‘Hot Task,’. |
Maths | In maths, we will begin by consolidating and building upon our learning of multiplication and division from last half term. The children will then explore recognising and using money, using and reading simple charts and graphs and finding and calculating length and perimeter. Finally, the children will look at fractions, including recognising and counting in these.
Number – Multiplication and Division
Measurement – Money
Science | Our topic for this term will be biology, learning about animals including humans. By the end of the topic, children will be able to: Children will be able to:
RE | Christianity and God.
PE | Indoor – Body Management - Gymnastics In this unit pupils continue to develop balancing, rolling and jumping. They use these skills individually and in combination. Pupils develop their sequence work, collaborating with others to use matching and contrasting actions and shapes and develop linking sequences smoothly with actions that flow. Pupils develop their confidence to perform, considering the quality and control of their actions.
Outdoor – Invasion Games – Netball Netball is an invasion game. In this unit pupils develop their understanding of the attacking and defending principles of invasion games. In all games activities, pupils have to think about how they use skills, strategies and tactics to outwit the opposition. In netball pupils do this by maintaining possession and moving the ball towards goal to score. Pupils develop their understanding of the importance of fair play and honesty while self-managing games and learning and abiding by key rules, as well as evaluating their own and others’ performances. |
History | This half term we will be studying The Roman Empire and its impact on Britain, including:
MFL | French – Les Instruments. We will be learning how to say the names of the instruments: By the end of the topic, the children will be able to:
Art & Design | The key skill that we will be focussing on in art is sketching; the children will:
PSHE | Our big question for our PSHE sessions is: How we can take more responsibility and show respect for others, especially their boundaries? The children will study:
Music | This half term the children will be exploring the topic, The Human Body. Skeleton dances and songs will teach them about the human body. We will use instruments, singing and dancing to build to a skeleton performance in groups. |
Computing | In Online Safety lessons this term, Y3 will discuss the reliability of information found online. They will use ‘Imotion’ to create their own animation. |