Spring 1
English | Reading | Writing |
We start the Spring term this year by reading a selection of Poems about nature from I am The Seed that Grew the Tree by Fiona Waters. After this, we will move onto studying a range of non-fiction texts, before ending the half term by reading a powerful picture book called Unspoken by Kwame Alexander. We will by practising the skills of retrieval, inference, prediction and summarising using these narratives. | This half term we will explore two writing journeys. The first of which will be a portal story in a very unusual house and the second will be a non-fiction write on a comparison. |
Maths | This term the children will build on their times tables knowledge from the Autumn term. We will continue to learn times tables until we have knowledge of all facts up to 12 x 12. The children can use the programme “TTRockstars” to practise. In the summer term, the children will take part in the government times tables check. MyMaths will be set each week so the children can practise the maths skills learned in school. | ||
Fractions | Multiplication and Division | Decimals | |
The children will understand common equivalent fractions.
| In maths, we will be extending our knowledge of multiplication and division. We will continue learning all of our times tables facts up to 12x12 until we have instant recall. We will use these times tables facts to multiply larger numbers and divide using the “bus stop” method. We will be able to work out factors of numbers. | The children will be able to write the decimal equivalent of any tenths or hundredths fraction. They will understand the place value of each digit to 2 decimal places. |
Science | Electricity is the key unit of study in Science this Spring. The children will learn to identify items that use electricity and know how to use these items safely at home. They will also build and explore electrical circuits and design and make a switch. |
RE | Religious Education this half term will focus on the unit of Gospel. The children will learn how Christians believe that through his teachings Jesus challenges everyone about the way they live and they will also learn about Jesus’ first disciples. We will also explore the parable of the Good Samaritan. |
PE | Indoor – Gymnastics
Geography | Get ready to rumble as we learn about Earthquakes and Mountains in Spring! Some key outcomes of the unit of study will be to identify the key layers of the Earth, to describe tectonic plates and their movements and to locate and describe major mountain ranges. |
Art | Art lessons will be getting groovy this half term as we will be creating a tie-dye t-shirt! We will be studying textile designer Zandra Rhodes to help inspire us with our own creations. |
MFL | French – Le Maison Tudor. By the end of this unit we will be able to:
PSHE | We will focus on: Our rights, our responsibilities.
Music | This half term the children will be cooking up a musical feast with our Food topic. They will look at foods from around the world while singing, dancing and performing together. |
Computing | In Online Safety lessons this term, Y4 will learn about copyright and ownership of content found online. They will use ‘Garageband’ to create their own podcast. |