Home Learning
In Year 5, the home learning is as follows:
Reading: Your child should be reading 5x a week (and read to them as much as you can too). Please sign their yellow reading diary and ensure it is brought to school each day. Your child should be reading for a minimum of 20 minutes.
English: Each child will be given a CGP book to develop their 'grammar and punctuation' knowledge. This will be set on Mondays and is due in the following Monday.
Maths: There will be weekly MyMaths online activities. Simply login and the new task will be ready. Most of the time, the activity will link to what the children have covered in class either that week or the previous half term. On occasion, activities will be based on what the children may have done in previous year groups to boost their working stamina. We will also like the children to access Timestables Rockstars to develop their times tables knowledge ready for the times tables test on Fridays.
Spellings: There will be a spelling test every Friday. Group 1 always have 10 spellings. Group 2 are the shorter listed spellings.
See below for this week's spellings.
Group 1:
Group 2:
Due: 7.2.25
Weekly Spellings
Spelling evidence must be present in your child's spelling book. If your child has practised their spellings verbally, a parental signature must be present in your child's spelling book. No evidence of spelling practice will result in a loss of playtime.
Please see below the statutory spellings for Y5 and Y6 children.
CGP Books
Each week, your child must complete their CGP grammar and punctuation task. We will set 1 activity page every Monday which will be due in the following Monday. No evidence of the CGP homework task will result in a loss of playtime.
CGP Homework:
Pages 44 and 45
Commas after subordinate clauses
Due: 10.2.25