Spring 2
English | Reading | Writing |
This half term, another text we are exploring is 'Skellig'. We will work on inference skills and authorial choice. | We will be writing in a range of genres, including a narrative and a diary. We will have a focus on the importance of editing writing and proofreading for errors. |
Maths | In Maths, we will be continuing our work on percentages.
Science | We are continuing to learn about properties and changes of materials. By the end of the topic, children will be able to:
RE | Christianity and Salvation. Our key question for the half term is: ‘What did Jesus do to save human beings?’ During this topic, pupils are expected to be able to:
PE | Indoor – Dance Pupils focus on creating characters and narrative through movement and gesture. They gain inspiration from a range of stimuli, working individually, in pairs and small groups. In dance as a whole, pupils think about how to use movement to explore and communicate ideas and issues, and their own feelings and thoughts. Pupils will develop confidence in performing and will be given the opportunity to provide feedback and utilise feedback to improve their own work.
Outdoor – Striking and Fielding – Cricket Cricket is a striking and fielding game. In this unit, pupils develop their understanding of the principles of striking and fielding. They expand on their knowledge of the different roles of bowler, wicket keeper, fielder and batter. In all activities, pupils have to think about how they use skills, strategies and tactics to outwit the opposition. In cricket, pupils achieve this by striking a ball and trying to avoid fielders, so that they can run between wickets to score runs. Pupils are given opportunities to work in collaboration with others, play fairly demonstrating an understanding of the rules, as well as being respectful of the people they play with and against. |
Geography | This half term, we will be looking at aspects of human and physical geography. Our key objectives are:
MFL | French – Les Vȇtements We will be describing clothing in French: By the end of the topic, the children will be able to:
Art | During this unit of work, the children will explore the artists Henri Matisse and Charles McGee and their artwork. They will learn about a range of 3D paper sculpture techniques and begin to create these with increasing control. |
PSHE | The focus for our PSHE sessions is: The children will look at values of healthy relationships, diversity in relationships and the notion of commitment. |
Music | This term the children will continue to play the ukulele. They will use their previous knowledge to play songs containing a range of chords and a melody. They will perform individually and as a group. |
Computing | This term, Y5 will use ‘Project Evolve’ to assess their understanding of Online Safety. They will go on to use Microbits to explore physical computing. |