Home Learning
In Year 4, the home learning is as follows:
Reading: Your child should be reading 5x a week (and read to them as much as you can too). Please sign their yellow reading diary. Children's books will be changed once a week on a Friday. They will be given two books.
English: Each child will be given a CGP book to develop their 'grammar and punctuation' knowledge. The task will be set on Thursday and due in on the following Thursday.
Maths: There will be weekly MyMaths online activities. The new task will be set on Friday and due in on the following Friday; simply login and the new task will be ready. We will also like the children to access Timestables Rockstars to develop their timestables knowledge ready for the timestables test on a Thursday.
Spellings: There will be a spelling test every Friday. See below for this week's spellings.
Homework Policy
Weekly Spellings
Spring 1 Spellings
Group 2
Tested on 24/01/25
This week, the children will be looking at the Year 3/4 words that they have to learn.
- accident
- accidentally
- actual
- actually
- address
- answer
CGP - Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling
Section 13 - Suffixes and Word Endings - Suffixes - Double Letters. Page 76 and 77.
Please answer questions on these pages.