Autumn 2
English | Reading | Writing |
We will be using four different texts to drive our reading lesso
| This half term we will continue to use Talk for Writing to support the children’s writing. We will be using three different texts and learning these stories to support our understanding of story creation: Zog the Dragon, Winston the worried and Poetry. We will continue to focus on writing simple sentences that start with a capital letter, use finger spaces between words and a full stop at the end. We will also continue to practise using our phonics when writing. |
Maths | ||
Science | This half term, we will be looking at seasonal changes. Our key objectives are:
RE | This half term the children will be thinking about incarnation. Our key question for the half term is Why does Christmas matter to Christians? During this topic, pupils are expected to be able to:
PE | Indoor – Gymnastics In this unit pupils explore and develop basic gymnastic actions on the floor and using low apparatus. Basic skills of jumping, rolling, balancing and travelling are used individually and in combination to create movement sequences. Pupils are given opportunities to select their own actions to build short sequences and develop their confidence in performing. Pupils begin to understand the use of levels, directions and shapes when travelling and balancing.
Geography | This half term, we will be looking at our local area and the UK. Our key objectives are:
D&T | This half term, we will be designing and making our own toy cars. We will be learning how wheels and axels work as well as exploring different ways to attach these to our cars. We will select appropriate tools to make our cars and learn how to use a saw safely to cut our axels to size. |
PSHE | Our focus in PSHE is the similarities and differences between people and how to respect and celebrate the uniqueness in all of us. Our additional topic this term will be led by the book ‘I want it’ from Values, Money and Me and will support the value of saving up for something. |
Computing | This term Y1 will use programmable floor robots (Beebots) to explore programming and commands. They will predict the outcome of commands and make and improve sequences of commands. |
Music | This half term the children will be learning about the 'beat'. We will develop a sense of the beat through movements, body percussion and instruments. Focussing on songs about the weather and patterns. |