Summer 1
English | Reading | Writing |
This half term, our main text is How To Train Your Dragon by Cressida Cowell. We will continue to work on retrieving information from the text and inferring how a character is feeling. | This half term, we will be writing in a range of genres and recapping the skills and techniques that the children have learnt and used so far in Year 5. |
Maths | In Maths, we will be looking at shape as well as position and direction. In shape, we will focus on angles, including measuring, drawing and calculating. We will also look at regular and irregular polygons. We will be plotting coordinates, translation, reflection and lines of symmetry. |
Science | This half term, our unit of learning is Living Things and their Habitats. The children will learn about:
RE | Sikhi Our key question for the half term is: How far would a Sikh go for his/her religion? During this topic, the children will look at the different ways a Sikh puts their religion into practice. |
PE | Indoor – Dance Pupils continue to focus on creating characters and narrative through movement and gesture. They gain inspiration from a range of stimuli, working individually, in pairs and small groups. In dance as a whole, pupils think about how to use movement to explore and communicate ideas and issues, and their own feelings and thoughts. Pupils will develop confidence in performing and will be given the opportunity to provide feedback and utilise feedback to improve their own work. Indoor – Net and Wall Games – Badminton Badminton is a net and wall game. In this unit pupils develop their understanding of the principles of net and wall games. In all games activities, pupils have to think about how they use skills, strategies and tactics to outwit the opposition. In badminton, they do this by placing an object away from an opponent to make it difficult for them to return. Pupils are given opportunities to work in collaboration with others, play fairly demonstrating an understanding of the rules, as well as being respectful of the people they play with and against. |
History | This half term, we will be studying Baghdad, circa AD900. This will include:
Design Technology | The children will design and make a pop-up toy. They will focus on the design as well as how cams can be used to produce different types of movement and change the direction of movement. |
PSHE | The focus for our PSHE sessions will be Healthy Bodies and Healthy Minds. We will be discussing how we are all unique. In addition to this, we will look at the importance of self-acceptance. We will talk about valuing our bodies and minds as well as looking at lifestyle habits (including alcohol, tobacco and drugs) and their effects on wellbeing. Our additional unit this half term is about first aid and ensuring children know what to do in an emergency. |
Music | This half term the children will be 'Keeping Healthy' in our new musical topic based around dancing, singing and playing both percussion and tuned instruments. They will use new techniques and prior knowledge to perform as a group. |
Computing | In Online Safety lessons this term, Y5 will consider their online identity and the information they share with others. They will also learn about databases. |
MFL (French) | Chez Moi! The children will describe what rooms there are and are not in their home in French. |