Maggie the School Dog
Maggie is a five-year-old rescue Cockapoo, who lives in Swanage with Mr Evans and his family. Maggie has a placid and gentle temperament and she rarely barks. She really enjoys the attention, gentle stroking and interest of the children and the staff at school. However, we insist that children ask Mr Evans before stroking her as we know that not all dogs are as friendly.
She has settled really well into school life and is now a valued member of staff. Maggie works in our pastoral team with Mrs Graham and Miss Stickland, helping children to talk and providing some much needed care and comfort. She also enjoys visiting lessons and meeting children and parents at the school gate.
Though we love dogs at St Michael's, Maggie is the only four legged animal that we allow on our playground, so please do not bring your own dog onto the site.
Maggie is registered with the Dogs Trust and this provides us with Public Liability Insurance and advice. She also makes frequent visits to the vets for vaccinations and routine treatments. As an older dog, she is house trained and enjoys at least three daily walks before, during and after school. She is certainly well looked after and loved both at school and at home