Home Learning
In Year 3, the home learning is as follows:
Reading: Your child should be reading 5x a week (and read to them as much as you can too). Please sign their yellow reading diary.
In Year 3, reading books will be changed once a week, on a Tuesday.
English: Each child will be given a CGP book to develop their 'grammar and punctuation' knowledge. The task will be set on Friday and due in on the following Thursday.
Maths: There will be weekly MyMaths online activities. The new task will be set on Friday and due in on the following Friday; simply login and the new task will be ready. We will also like the children to access Timestables Rockstars to develop their timestables knowledge ready for the timestables test on Fridays.
Spellings: There will be a spelling test every Friday. See below for this week's spellings.
Weekly Spellings
Mrs Stanciu and Mrs Brodziak's Groups
Adding the vowel suffixes (-er, -ed or -ing) to words with more than one syllable where the last syllable is unstressed: gardener gardening limited limiting offering offered benefited benefiting focused focusing
Phase 5 tricky words: mouse parents improve want | Miss Kilgore's Group
kn/gn for /n/ phoneme: knock knit knee gnome sign gnaw Homophones: knight night wr for /r/ phoneme: wrap wrong wriggle prickly spelling: once
| Mrs Hart's Group
Phase 4: adjacent consonants with long vowels toast paint bright three street screens | Mrs Jordan's Group
bell fell mess bless rocket clock |
CGP book
Set on Friday 17th January. Due in on Thursday 23rd January 2025.
Pages 36 and 37 Capital Letters
To support your children with their understanding of number try the 1 Minute a Day White Rose App.
Google - click here
Apple - click here