Spring 2
English | Reading | Writing |
This half term, will be reading Stig of the Dump. As we study this text, the children will be practising their ability to retrieve key information from texts, use evidence to draw inferences about characters and use evidence to support their responses to questions. | The children will be continuing with the Talk for Writing scheme focussing on a ‘journey’ text. We will also write an information text. |
Maths | This term the children will build on their times tables knowledge from the Autumn term. We will continue to learn times tables until we have knowledge of all facts up to 12 x 12. The children can use the programme “TTRockstars” to practise. In the summer term, the children will take part in the government times tables check. MyMaths will be set each week so the children can practise the maths skills learned in school. | |
Number - fractions | Number - decimals | |
We will solve problems involving increasingly harder fractions to calculate quantities, and fractions to divide quantities, including non-unit fractions where the answer is a whole number. We will continue to practise the skills learnt last half term such as adding and subtracting fractions with the same denominator. | We will recognise and write decimal equivalents of numbers of tenths or hundredths. Then we will move on to dividing a one- or two-digit number by 10 or 100, identifying the value of the digits in the answer as ones, tenths and hundredths. |
Science | Our topic for this half term will continue to be electricity. By the end of the topic, the children will be able to:
RE | SALVATION The big question: Why do Christians call the day Jesus died ‘Good Friday’?
PE | Indoor – Dance
Geography | By the end of this unit, children should be able to:
DT | By the end of this unit of work, the children will be able to:
French | Au salon de thé
Music | This half term the children will be looking at our environment, they will sing, dance and make compositions about our planet and discover how it has inspired composers throughout history. |
Computing | This term, Year 4 will continue to work on their podcast, focussing on editing and improving recordings. They will also learn how computers can use datalogging. |