Spring 2
English | Reading | Writing |
In reading, we will be studying the text ‘Goodnight Mr Tom’. The children will be able to use their knowledge they acquired in the previous half term’s history topic on WW2. While reading this text, the children will secure their ability to answer longer form inference questions, make predictions and recognise connections across chapters. | Over this half term, we will learn how to write a warning story using The Air Raid as a model. We will discuss various strategies for moving the action on in a narrative, including jumping straight in, using speech to move the plot on and creating dangerous settings. Our grammar focus will be speech punctuation. Later in the half term, we will research and write a non-fiction text on volcanoes. We will use knowledge from our geography unit to support our understanding. |
Maths | In this half term, the children will continue to consolidate their knowledge of decimals by looking at place value within decimal numbers and using decimals within the four operations. They will move on to look at equivalence between fractions, decimals and percentages and will learn how to calculate percentages of amounts. At the end of the half term, the children will work on furthering their understanding of area and perimeter by learning to how to calculate the area of triangles and perimeters and will begin to calculate the volume of cubes and cuboids. |
Science | Our science focus for the next half term is biology. We continue our study the cardiovascular system in order to: Discuss the role of nutrients and know how water is transported around the body. Investigate the extent to which exercise influences fitness and the body as a whole. We will learn about healthy choices and the impact the smoking can have on the body. |
RE | Christianity |
Our question of study for next half term will be what difference does the resurrection make to Christians?
PE | Indoor – Dance In this unit, pupils continue to use their knowledge of compositional principles e.g. how to use variations in level, direction and pathway, how to combine and link actions, how to relate to a partner and apparatus, when developing sequences. They build trust when working collaboratively in larger groups, using formations to improve the aesthetics of their performances. Pupils are given opportunities to receive and provide feedback in order to make improvements on performances. In gymnastics as a whole, pupils develop performance skills considering the quality and control of their actions. Outdoor – Striking and Fielding – Rounders Rounders is a striking and fielding game. In this unit pupils develop their understanding of the principles of striking and fielding. Pupils develop the quality and consistency of their fielding skills and understanding of when to use them such as throwing underarm and overarm, catching and retrieving a ball. They expand on their knowledge of how to play the different roles of bowler, backstop, fielder and batter and to apply tactics in these positions. In all games activities, pupils have to think about how they use skills, strategies and tactics to outwit the opposition. Pupils work with a partner and group to organise and self-manage their own games. Pupils play with honesty and fair play when playing competitively. |
Geography | By the end of this unit, children should be able to: Identify where in the world volcanoes mainly occur and why, using terminology such as tectonic plates. Describe the structure of a volcano and how they form. Name some volcanoes from around the world, which are active (Hawaiian and Mt Fuji), dormant (Kilimanjaro) and extinct (Scottish supervolcano). Name different volcano types (strato-volcanoes and shield volcanoes). Recall facts about Mt St Helens and Krakatoa. Explain how volcanoes can be dangerous (lava, ash, volcanic bombs and pyroclastic flows) and how they impact on the lives of humans. Explain why humans live near to volcanoes if they are dangerous. |
Art | By the end of this unit of work, the children will be able to:
PSHE | In PSHE, the children will be learning about human reproduction, including different ways people may choose to start a family. (includes age-appropriate sex education, not compulsory in primary schools). There will be a parent meeting to allow you to preview the material before your child’s lesson. |
Music | This half term we are going to explore the phenomenon of the 'Flashmob'. The children will create and perform a flashmob style dance with their peers, focussing on teamwork and performance skills. |
Computing | This term, Y6 will use ‘Garageband’ on iPads to record and edit sound. They will go on to use Microbits to explore physical computing. |
French | Les Habitats The children will talk about different habitats. They will see and hear more complex and complicated sentences and by the end of the unit, pupils will be expected to present on the different plant and animal adaptation in different habitats. Pupils will build on their previous knowledge of phonics, vocabulary and grammar and use this together with their new knowledge to describe different habitats in detail. |