Summer 1
English | Reading | Writing |
This half term, our class texts will be 'The True Story of the 3 Little Pigs' by Jon Scieszka and ‘The Wind in the Willows,’ by Kenneth Grahame. As we study these texts, the children will be focussing on learning and applying new vocabulary from the stories. They will also be practising their ability to retrieve key information from texts, use evidence to draw inferences about characters and use evidence to support their responses to questions. | We will continue to use the Talk For Writing approach to help us write in a range of genres, including a ‘portal’ story and a thank you letter. We will begin to use commas after fronted adverbials and use different conjunctions for time and cause. This will culminate in imitating the text’s structure, innovating our versions of its grammar and vocabulary before writing our own ‘Hot Task,’. |
Maths |
Science | Our topic for this term will plants. By the end of the topic, children will be able to:
Religious Education | Hinduism |
Physical Education | Indoor – Dance Pupils continue to create dances in relation to an idea. Pupils work individually, with a partner and in small groups, sharing their ideas. Pupils develop their use of counting and rhythm. Pupils learn to use canon, unison, formation and levels in their dances. They will be given the opportunity to perform to others and provide feedback using key terminology. Outdoor – Net and Wall Games – Tennis Tennis is a net and wall game. In this unit pupils develop their understanding of the principles of net and wall games. In all games activities, pupils have to think about how they use skills, strategies and tactics to outwit the opposition. Pupils learn key skills such as racket control, hitting a ball and how to score points. Pupils are given opportunities to play games independently and are taught the importance of being honest whilst playing to the rules. |
MFL | French – Les instruments (instruments) In this unit pupils will learn 10 common instruments with their definite articles. They will learn the basic transactional language required and take part in a role-play activity based on which instruments they would like to play. |
Computing | In Online Safety lessons this term, Y3 will discuss being share aware and also whether to believe everything they read online. In programming, they will create a maze game using block coding to move an on-screen sprite. |
PSHE | In PSHE this half term we will learn about and discuss healthy bodies and healthy minds. Children will reflect on maintaining physical and mental wellbeing through healthy eating, sleep and keeping clean. |
Music | This half term the children will re visit the recorder, they will hold the recorder correctly, play the notes B, A and G and play a range of songs together as a class. |
Art | Sculpture clay
History | Our History learning this half term is about the history of the railways in Britain. By the end of this unit, children should be able to: