Design and Technology
Design Technology Curriculum Intent
At St Michael’s, we offer a purposeful and practical curriculum rich in creativity, which is accomplished in three ways:
- Firstly, we will deliver a knowledge-rich curriculum, which is based on solving real and relevant problems whereby children consider their own and others’ needs in an increasingly technological world. Technical knowledge will build on and develop children’s practical expertise and transferable skills.
- Next, we provide children with the opportunity to research the work of others, think critically about design and structure and use this knowledge to design appealing products considering and selecting appropriate tools and materials.
- Finally, we provide opportunities for children to use their skills to make a finished product, evaluate products against a design brief and critically reflect on its appropriateness for the real world.
By the time they leave St Michael’s, our aim is for children to be inspired and enthused by design, provide the skills necessary for them to be successful in DT at secondary school and spark a lifelong interest in the subject.
Design Technology Curriculum Implementation - Long term Progression Map
Design Technology is taught every other half term, according to the following long term plan:
Design Technology Key Learning Points
The DT Key Learning Points (KLPs) are the 3 key takeaways from each DT unit of work in each year group.
For more information on KLPs, click here.
For the DT KLPs, click here.