Spring 2
English | Reading | Writing |
This half term we will be exploring the book a Boy called Bat. Each child has a copy of the text and they will practice reading aloud and as a class. They will be exploring how speech is used to provide insight into how the characters are feeling.
| We will continue to use the Talk For Writing approach to help us write in a range of genres, including a ‘finding’ story and instructions. We will begin to punctuate speech correctly and use different conjunctions for time and cause. This will culminate in imitating the text’s structure, innovating our versions of its grammar and vocabulary before writing our own ‘Hot Task’. |
Maths | In maths, we will begin by consolidating and building upon our learning of multiplication and division from last half term in our times tables. The children will conclude their learning about money before learning about different types of graphs and charts (tally charts and pictograms). Following this, we will learn about length, perimeter and fractions.
Number – Multiplication and Division
Measurement – Money
Measurement – Length and Perimeter
Number – Fractions
Science | Our topic for this term will be biology, learning about animals including humans. By the end of the topic, children will be able to: Children will be able to:
RE | Christianity and God. Our key question for the half term is: ‘Is Holy Week and Good Friday a ‘good’ time of year for Christians?’ and we will discuss and learn about:
PE | Year 3 Indoor – Dance Pupils create dances in relation to an idea. Pupils work individually, with a partner and in small groups, sharing their ideas. Pupils develop their use of counting and rhythm. Pupils learn to use canon, unison, formation and levels in their dances. They will be given the opportunity to perform to others and provide feedback using key terminology. Outdoor – Striking and Fielding – Fundamentals This ‘Striking and Fielding’ unit will teach pupils the skills players need to play striking and fielding games, such as cricket, rounders. The children will learn how to catch and throw across different distances with accuracy. They will develop their skills of cooperation, exploring how working as a team helps to prevent the opposition from scoring points. Children will develop tactical skills, understanding effective ways to ‘run the points’. Children will have the opportunity to design and play a range of mini team games to help them identify and improve their skills. |
MFL | French – Les Légumes. By the end of the topic, the children will be able to: • To name and recognise 10 vegetables. |
PSHE | In PSHE this half term we will learn about and discuss different types of committed relationships and the basic characteristics of these. Children will reflect on their knowledge of these before applying it to their lives and the lives of others. Our extended objective is learning about rules and responsibility for own actions linked to Climate Change. |
Music | This half term the children will be exploring and composing sounds. They will create dance routines, sing and play a range of percussion instruments during our topics, Communication and Food.
Design & Technology |
Geography | Our Geography learning this half term is about rivers. By the end of this unit of work, children will be able to:
Computing | This term, Y3 will use ‘Project Evolve’ to assess their understanding of Online Safety. They will finish their animations and then learn how data is organised in branching databases. |