Autumn 2
English | Reading |
This half term we will be focusing on retrieval skills in reading sessions. The children will learn to locate and use a piece of information for a text. We will be looking at the following books this half term. | |
Writing | |
In Autumn 2, our first Talk for Writing test is ‘Jack and the Beanstalk’. The children will continue to practice key grammatical features including capital letters and full stops. They will also learn how to use determiners and adverbs correctly. The children will be writing in the past tense. Later in the term they will have a focus on diary writing. We will use our history topic about the Great Fire of London to write a diary entry. |
Maths | This year we will be focusing on learning the 2, 5, and 10 times tables with the children. We will be learning and applying the rolling numbers which can be found on the website on the following link: Learning Multiplication Tables |
We will begin this term with adding and subtracting a 2-digit and a 1-digit number and then move on to adding and subtracting two 2-digit numbers. We will focus on the inverse relationship between addition and subtraction before moving on to shape. By the end of this term, the children will learn to: Addition and Subtraction
Science | This term, our unit of learning is living things and their habitats. By the end of this unit, the children will learn to:
RE | Christianity Our key question for the half term is: Why does Christmas matter to Christians? By the end of this unit, the children will learn to:
PE | Indoor – Gymnastics In this unit, pupils learn, explore and develop basic gymnastic actions on the floor and using apparatus. They develop gymnastic skills of jumping, rolling, balancing and travelling individually and in combination to create short sequences and movement phrases. Pupils develop an awareness of compositional devices when creating sequences to include the use of shapes, levels and directions. They learn to work safely with and around others and whilst using apparatus. Pupils are given opportunities to provide feedback to others and recognise elements of high-quality performance.
Outdoor – Sending and Receiving Pupils will develop their sending and receiving skills including throwing and catching, rolling, kicking, tracking and stopping a ball. They will also use equipment to send and receive a ball. Pupils will be given opportunities to work with a range of different sized balls. They will apply their skills individually, in pairs and in small groups and begin to organise and self-manage their own activities. They will build on their knowledge of sending and receiving by applying their skills in different situations. |
History | In this unit, the children will study events that are beyond living memory that are nationally significant. By the end of this unit, children should be able to:
Art | This half term, the children will be exploring mark making with pencils and how shadow and light falls on objects. By the end of this unit, the children will learn to:
PSHE | Similarities and Differences – children will continue their learning about forming relationships and understand there are similarities and differences between us. They will explore different stereotypes and how to challenge them. |
Music | This half term the children will continue to explore the exciting genre of Rock, this time focussing on Christmas Rock songs through time. We will listen to a range of music, play instruments and dance to the beat. |
Computing | This term Y2 will consider who owns the content they view online and think about stranger danger when online. They will also create and make music sequences using iPads. |