Summer 2
English | Reading
We will be using these three different texts to drive our end of day reading sessions next half term:
We will become very familiar with these books, read them regularly, ask many questions about the stories and retell them.
Writing For our fiction text, we will be using The Black Hat, the children will be learning this story to support our understanding of story creation. For our non-fiction text, we will be writing instructions. |
Maths | Number – Place value to 100
Measurement – Money
Measurement – Time |
Science | This half term we will be investigating plants in Science. We will identify leaves, name the parts of plants, such as stem, flower, petal and root, and we will name some flowers and trees. We also have a very exciting trip to Holton Lee to discover the plant life there! |
RE | This term, we will continue learning about the Jewish faith. Our big question will be, ‘Does celebrating Chanukah make Jewish children feel closer to God?’ They will be learning to empathise with Jewish children by understanding how it feels for them to take part in Chanukah activities. |
PE | Indoor - Dance Pupils will explore travelling actions, movement skills and balancing. They will understand why it is important to count to music and use this in their dances. Pupils will copy and repeat actions linking them together to make short dance phrases. Pupils will work individually and with a partner to create ideas in relation to the theme. Pupils will be given the opportunity to perform and also to provide feedback, beginning to use dance terminology to do so.
Outdoor – Athletics In this unit pupils will develop skills required in athletic activities such as running at different speeds, changing direction, jumping and throwing. In all athletic based activities, pupils will engage in performing skills and measuring performance, competing to improve on their own score and against others. They are given opportunities to work collaboratively as well as independently. |
Geography | This half term the children will be looking at comparisons between Bournemouth and Rio de Janeiro. They will be looking at geographical similarities and differences using aerial photographs. The children will learn about landmarks and human and physical features of each country. |
DT | This term, the children will be learning to make a fruit kebab for a lunchbox snack. They will learn different cutting and preparation skills; grating, peeling, slicing, squeezing and how to prepare food hygienically. |
PSHE | Our new unit of work is called ‘Growing and Changing’. Children will learn that families are important when growing up because they provide love, safety and security. They will also learn about relationships and the importance of respecting others, even when they are very different from them. |
Computing | This half term the children are going to explore the topics of Water and Weather. They will play percussion instruments individually and as a group, focussing on the pitch of the music and the accuracy of the rhythm. |
Music | This half term the children will be exploring the sounds of Water. Through dance and movement, singing and instruments they will recreate sounds of the ocean and the animals that can be found there. |