Spring 1
English | Reading We will be using three different texts to drive our end of day reading sessions next half term.
Writing This half term we will continue to use Talk for Writing to support the children’s writing. For our fiction text, we will be using Billy’s Beetle and learning this story to support our understanding of story creation. For our non-fiction text, we will be writing an information text about an animal. This half term we will continue to focus on writing simple sentences that start with a capital letter, using finger spaces between words and a full stop at the end of a sentence. We will be using 'and' to extend sentences. We will also be teaching the importance of reading through their work to check for any mistakes. |
Maths | This half term we will focus on:
Number – Place value to 20.
Number – Addition and Subtraction to 20. |
Science | This half term we will begin learning about and exploring different materials, such as whether they are soft, hard, stretchy, stiff, transparent and opaque. |
RE | Christianity and God.
PE | Indoor – Invasion games
History | This half term we will be learning about Space. We will be learning about the moon and moon landings. The children will learn about famous astronauts who have been to space e.g. Neil Armstrong, Helen Sharman and Yuri Gagarin. |
Art | This half term, we will be exploring the artist Eric Carle. Our key objectives are:
PSHE | Our focus in PSHE the special people in our lives. The children will explore:
Computing | In Online Safety lessons this term, Y1 will discuss what information should be kept private when online. They will learn about how information technology is used both in school and beyond. |
Music | This half term the children will be exploring the steady beat through the genre of hip-hop and rap. We will listen to different artists, dance and play percussion instruments to a range of songs. |