Autumn 1
English | Reading | Writing |
This half term, our main text is The Boy at the Back of the Class. We will work on retrieval skills using scanning techniques. | The children will be continuing with the Talk for Writing scheme and revisiting parts of the curriculum of Year 3. We will be completing a report on their History knowledge alongside this. |
Maths | This term the children will build on their times tables knowledge from Year 3. We will continue to learn times tables until we have knowledge of all facts up to 12 x 12. The children can use the programme “TTRockstars” to practise. In the summer term, the children will take part in the government times tables check. | ||
Place Value | Addition and subtraction | Homework | |
The children will explore the value of numbers up to 10,000. They will be able to write, partition and find these numbers on a number line. They will be able to compare numbers using < and > signs. They will be able to order numbers in ascending and descending order. We will find out how to round these numbers to the nearest 10, 100 and 1000. The children will be introduced to negative numbers and how to record Roman numerals. | We will build on the work covered in Year 3. We will use the standard written method for addition and subtraction of 4 digit numbers including exchange (borrowing). We will use our methods to solve real life problems including money problems. | Homework will be set every week on MyMaths. The children will have their own login to access their work. Children are expected to learn their times tables at home and will be tested regularly throughout the week. |
Science | This half term, our unit of learning is Animals. Children will be able to:
RE | Christianity |
By the end of this unit, children will be able to:
PE | Indoor – Gymnastics (Movement)
Geography | In this unit children will learn about the environmental regions of Oceania and Antarctica. They will learn about a range of Pacific islands, describing some features of island life. Part of this unit will be a focus study of the effect of latitude on day and night. Children will develop an understanding of latitude, the Equator and northern and southern hemispheres. They will also learn to read maps using 4 figure grid references. |
D&T | This half term, children will build upon skills learned through Year 3’s desk tidy design in designing, making and evaluating a container for a special object of their choice. Children will:
French | Je Me Presente (Introducing myself) In this unit, children will learn the vocabulary and sentence structure to talk about themselves with others. Children will:
Children will begin to understand how language works slightly differently in French and that language cannot be translated word for word. |
PSHE | As part of this half term’s unit on Healthy and Happy Friendships, children will discuss and learn about:
Music | This half term, the children will be learning how to play the Ukulele which will be an amazing experience for all of the children. They will learn C, A and F chords and learn to strum and how to pluck the instrument. |
Computing | This term Y4 will revisit the school’s Acceptable Use Agreement and be reminded of the expectations for using devices safely and appropriately. They will learn how computing systems and networks work. In programming, they will use a logo based programming language in. |