Religious Education
Religious Education - Curriculum Intent
At St Michael’s we intend to provide a sequential, knowledge-based curriculum that enables children to make progress. This is completed through two complimentary, continuing schemes.
- Firstly, we use the ‘Understanding Christianity’ Scheme to provide children with knowledge about the life of Jesus in order for the children to learn more about God. Children will develop their understanding of Christianity as a living world faith and learn about how this impacts on the lives of people worldwide. We provide children with the opportunity to apply this knowledge and develop their curiosity when reflecting on ‘Big Questions’. This in turn allows them to critically reflect on their own religious, spiritual and moral convictions.
- Secondly, we use the Discovery R.E. scheme to provide knowledge of different religions’ beliefs customs and traditions. Children compare and contrast religions to understand more about people’s differences and their similarities. All religions are taught objectively, treated with respect and we recognise the profound impact religions have on people’s lives.
- Finally, at St Michael’s, children learn about R.E. as they develop knowledge about religion. Children also learn from R.E. as they reflect about themselves, their beliefs and their morals. R.E. provides the children with rich knowledge of their world and enables spiritual, moral and cultural development to allow the children’s lights to shine more brightly.
By the time they leave St Michael’s, children will have knowledge of a range of Bible stories and an appreciation of other faiths, as well as being reflective of their own spiritual consciousness in readiness for secondary school and beyond.
Religious Education - Long Term Progression Map
RE is taught through two schemes:
- autumn and spring term units are Christianity-based from Understanding Christianity
- summer term units are based on a range of other religions and world views through the Discovery RE scheme.
Religious Education Key Learning Points
The RE Key Learning Points (KLPs) are the 3 key takeaways from each RE unit of work in each year group.
For more information on KLPs, click here.
For the Re KLPs, click here.
Section 71 of The School Standards and Framework Act 1998 allows parents to withdraw their child from religious education classes if they so wish, although this should be after discussion with the appropriate member of senior leadership team.