Autumn 1
English | Reading | Writing |
We will be reading Wonder by A.J. Palacio. This touching coming of age story follows August Pullman (Auggie) as he starts middle school under challenging circumstances. We will be brushing up on our retrieval skills using the techniques of skimming and scanning and we will be using evidence from the text to make inferences. | We will be reviewing our knowledge of the different word classes and exploring their functions within sentences. The children will revise sentence structure and will spend time consolidating their understanding of subjects and verbs. We will use the text The Monster to explore the features of a quest story and will use these to write our own. |
Maths | This half term, we will have a focus on place value and the four operations. | |
Number – place value | Number – the four operations | |
We will begin the year by looking at place value where the children will learn to read, write and compare numbers up to 10,000,000 and determine the value of each digit. They will also look at place value in decimal numbers up to thousandths. | The children will recap efficient written methods for the four operations of addition, subtraction, multiplication and division and will apply these skills to reasoning problems. |
Science | This half term, our unit of learning is electricity. The children will learn be able to recap simple electrical circuits. They will be able to draw these using the symbols of electrical components. They will then be able to compare different components, then give reasons for variations in how they function. At the end of the unit, the children will apply their knowledge of electricity and build a burglar alarm circuit. |
RE | Christianity |
The big question that we will be studying this half term is, ‘creation and science: conflicting or complementary?’. During this unit, the children will be learning to identify the type of text that Psalm 8 is, and its purpose. Then explain what Psalm 8 has to say about the idea of God as a Creator and the place of humans in Creation. They will make clear connections between Psalm 8 and some ways Christians respond to God as Creator. We will listen to different perspectives and show understanding of why some Christians find science and faith compatible. We will think about our own roles in the world and respond to the idea that humans have great responsibility for the Earth. We will weigh up how well humans are responding to this responsibility, taking into account religious and non-religious viewpoints. |
PE | Indoor – Fitness
Outdoor – OAA (outdoor adventurous activities) |
History | We will be studying the Vikings over this half-term. By the end of this unit, children should be able to: Understand the key terms ‘Invading’ and ‘Settling’, and explore the relationship between these two ideas. To identify and recall where the Vikings came from and how they travelled. Understand the order of Viking raids and explain some of the different reasons why the Vikings raided monasteries. Explain why the Vikings came to Britain and why they kept arriving even after the defeats at Edington and Brunanbuth. Describe Viking religion and how it changed during their time in Britain. |
Art | In art sessions, the children will think about what art is. They will then study an artist and designer, and create their own work. By the end of this unit children should be able to: Talk about life of milliner Philip Treacy and examples of his work. Design their own piece of millinery. Create and sew an embellishment for their headwear design. |
PSHE | In PSHE, the children will be thinking about what healthy and happy relationships look like. This will involve thinking about how relationships evolve as we grow, including when transitioning to secondary school. We will also consider strategies we could use to cope with a wide range of emotions. We will also learn about different charities in our local area, thinking about how we could support other people in the world. |
Music | This half term the children will be exploring the musical term, Rhythm. Through singing, movement and dance they will learn about keeping the beat, syncopation, pitch and harmony while practising their performing skills. |
Computing | This term Y6 will revisit the school’s Acceptable Use Agreement and be reminded of the expectations for using devices safely and appropriately. They will learn how computing systems and networks work. In programming, they will explore using repetition in algorithms. |
French | The unit of work is called ‘A l’ecole’ and the children will learn the nouns and indefinite articles for common school subjects and objects. |