Autumn 2
English | Reading | Writing |
This half term, our main text is the Iron Man by Ted Hughes. We will continue to practise our retrieval skills and also work on prediction skills. | In our Writing lessons, we will be writing our own ‘warning’ story and an informal letter recounting an exciting discovery linked to our history topic. |
Maths | We will start our Maths learning by looking at addition and subtraction methods to solve real life problems including money. We will then move onto finding the area of shapes before finishing off the half term on problems on multiplication and division. |
Science | Children will be learning all about sound this half term, and will explore vibrations, investigate pitch and identify different methods that insulate sound. |
RE | Christianity - Incarnation |
For religious studies this half term the children will be learning about Christianity and incarnation. They will learn more about the Holy Trinity and the meaning of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, and they will continue to explore how Christians express their beliefs. |
PE | Indoor – Gymnastics
History | Ancient Egyptians |
This Autumn term we will be learning all about the ancient civilisation of Egypt. We will study the importance of the River Nile and learn about the daily life of an Egyptian. We are very much looking forward to our school trip to the British Museum to see some real-life ancient mummies close up! |
DT | In Design Technology the children will be using a CAD (computer-aided design) programme to design and make their own money boxes. |
French | The topic of study in French in Autumn is En Famille and the children will be learning how to describe their own family, as well as learning how to count to 100. |
PSHE | In PSHE this half term Year 4 will be studying identity and diversity; how we can see and understand different perspectives and not make judgments on others based on appearance. |
Music | The children will continue learning how to play the Ukulele for the remainder of the Autumn term. They will work on improving their skills even further by learning about harmony, melody and rhythm. |
Computing | This half term Year 4 will learn how to search the internet safely and will use code to create a maze game on scratch. |