Geography Curriculum Intent
At St Michael’s, we aim to inspire children to develop a curiosity about the world in all its diverse nature, its landscapes, its people and how these are all connected:
This is achieved:
Through a knowledge rich curriculum exploring a range of diverse locations, their physical and human characteristics, the processes that formed their landscapes and how these elements interconnect over time.
By equipping our pupils with the geographical skills required to interpret local and global spaces through practical skills such as map reading, data interpretation skills and fieldwork.
By asking our pupils ‘curious questions’ about the world around them in order to develop their geographical thinking and to piece together their knowledge and skills to solve problems.
By the time they leave St Michael’s, our pupils to understand how the world was shaped and continues to be shaped by both human and physical processes and how these processes shape us in return, giving them a solid basis on which to move to secondary school and beyond.
Geography Curriculum Implementation - Long Term Progression Map
Geography is taught each week every other half term across all year groups Y1-6. It alternates with History, so children are not taught both at the same time. Below is a progression maps, showing the units of work which are taught in each year group in each term.
Geography Key Learning Points
The Geography Key Learning Points (KLPs) are the 3 key takeaways from each geography unit of work in each year group.
For more information on KLPs, click here.
For the Geography KLPs, click here.
Geography Knowledge Organisers
The Geography Knolwedge Organisers (KOs) are support sheets which contain the key knowledge for each unit of work.
For more information on KOs, click here.
For the Geography KOs, click here.