School Uniform
St Michael's Primary School Uniform

Some of our children may choose to wear headscarves, turbans or hijabs for religious reasons and this is welcomed at St Michael’s. Headscarves must be black, grey or navy blue. Pins or clips must be small, dark in colour and understated. There can be no decorations such as sequins or patterns.
Our school uniform supplier for logoed items is MAPAC.
Older style uniform, with the old logo, is being phased out with the hope that by September 2024 children will be wearing the lighthouse logo uniform only.
Children who come to school in the incorrect uniform (for example wearing a hoodie or wearing the incorrect colour PE t-shirt) will be asked to change into spare uniform, which is kept at school.
All items of uniform and PE kit must be named.
Hoodies – as we prepare our children for secondary school and beyond, we want to see them dressed smartly in school uniform and these items are not appropriate.
Children should not be adding to the uniform with slogans, flags or other branded items.
On health and safety grounds, we do not allow children to wear jewellery in our school. The exceptions to this rule are small, earring studs in pierced ears (which need to be removed for PE), and small objects of religious significance, such as a crucifix on a chain (which needs to be removed for PE) or a Rakhri bracelet or Kara bangle (which need to be covered with a sweatband for PE). Please note that the school will be unable to take any responsibility for any jewellery that is lost.
Hairstyles and Hair Accessories
At St Michael’s, we expect pupils to style their hair in a way that is appropriate for school and makes them feel most comfortable. Certain hairstyles that could cause a distraction to other children as well as any haircuts that include shaved-in markings, such as tramlines, are not permitted.
Hair accessories, such as bows, ribbons, slides etc should not be oversized and must be in school colours (blue, yellow, grey, black, white) so as to be in keeping with the dress code. Pupils with long hair will be encouraged to tie it back for hygiene reasons. For PE, all hair must be tied up and out the child’s face.
Simple wrist watches, not smart watches, may be worn to school. Please note that the school will be unable to take any responsibility for any watches that are lost.
The use of henna and mehndi or other forms of ceremonial art form applied during weddings and other religious and cultural celebrations or rituals, like Eid, are welcomed at our school.
Temporary tattoos, make-up and nail varnish are not permitted.