Reopening on 8 March – Information for Parents/Carers
Dear Parents/Carers
We look forward to welcoming all pupils back to school from Monday 8 March. The expectation is that, from this date, all children will attend school as normal. Whilst the Government’s Road Map for exiting the pandemic is clear and gives us a hope for the coming months, I would like to reassure you that we will continue to apply the same thorough risk assessment to school procedures.
Our pupils’ school day, therefore, will look the same as before Christmas, for example:
- There will be regular handwashing in place.
- The children will return to their normal classrooms with their normal teachers.
- Year group bubbles will be kept separated, even at break and lunch times.
- KS2 will continue to eat lunches in classes and KS1 and YrR will eat in the hall at staggered times.
- On PE days, children should wear their PE kits to school.
We know that for some children, this transition back to school may be more challenging, so we have our pastoral team on standby to support those finding things tricky.
For you as parents, school will also look the same as before Christmas:
- Drop off and pick up times remain as follows:
- YR,1,3,4 8:40-8:55am drop off 3:00-3:15pm pick up
- Y2,5,6 8:55-9:10am drop off 3:15-3:30pm pick up
- Please do not turn up to school earlier than these times in order to minimise gatherings outside school. We will not be letting the later year groups in early and there is a 15 minute window in which to drop your child off, so there is no need to come early.
- Breakfast Club and After School Club will run as normal. These are both bookable on WisePay.
- Whilst we wish to work with families to accommodate needs, parents of children not picked up at the end of the day and not booked into After School Club may face a fine as they will need to be supervised because we are not able to accommodate them in the After School Club.
- Parents must wear a face covering to enter the playground. We will ask anybody without a face covering to remain outside of the school grounds.
- We would appreciate it if only one parent enters the school grounds, to minimise the number of people on site.
- Once again, we ask that no parents park illegally or ‘stop and drop’ on Somerville Road and West Hill Road. We wish to minimise traffic around the school grounds. Please park in the local car park and walk if you need to travel by car.
As before, in the event that your child displays one of the three main COVID-19 symptoms, we will send them home, ask you to book a PCR test and isolate your household for 10 days from the day after the symptoms developed. In addition, if your child displays any one of these symptoms at home (or a member of your household displays these symptoms or tests positive), you must inform school immediately.
Once again, I would like to thank you for the continued support and cooperation you have shown throughout the pandemic.
Yours faithfully
Anthony Evans